Watching nature, the surroundings and the birds is fascinating. A flock of birds whirling, chirping and feeding; flying together in an ever-changing pattern is truly a beautiful sight.
Have you wondered where the group of birds flying in a V-shape pattern are travelling to? What is so amazing about the new place which allows these beautiful creatures to fly the longest distances and leave their natives?
Birds migrate! Variety of birds travel different regions and distances just to make their living. Large birds fly from northern regions to south in winters for food and suitable climate. There are various reasons for migration, like, food, raising the young ones, mating, climatic conditions, disease, etc.
Migration depends on the movement of a group of birds annually and the distance travelled. Based on the distance covered by birds, there are three types of migration.
Permanent residence - Few birds find their habitat at a single place and they do not travel to any other state for survival. They manage to get food and support to live with all the climate changes throughout the year.
Short-Distance migration - Small birds or birds with low flying capacity travel small distances. They migrate from high altitudes to plateau or low altitude regions in search of food and return back within a defined duration of time.
Medium-Distance migration - Birds with high speed of flight move to another state, travelling a few miles within a country or two where they grow in suitable climatic conditions.
Long-Distance migration - Large-sized birds like geese, turtle doves, swallows travel very long distances across the oceans and seas from the cold regions to warm suitable weather. They complete their mating and give birth to a new generation.
Bird migration is not a one-way movement. The birds travel in winter seasons from north to warmer southern regions and return back in spring season to their native places.
I have another question in mind, how do birds navigate?
These little creatures are very talented and blessed with higher senses. The control of migration, its timing and response is hereditary and appears to be a primitive trait that is present even in non-migratory or permanent resident species of birds. The skill to navigate and migrate to long distances is much more complicated than it looks like. This includes both inhibitory as well as learning.
The basic psychological hint for migration received by birds is from the length of days. This change also affects the hormones produced in birds leading to fat deposition. Birds get information about direction from the sun, the stars and even from the earth’s magnetic field. According to the position of the setting sun and landmarks, they make their way to the destination.
For different species as well, there are differences in endogenous characteristics for migration.
The major of the reasons for why the birds migrate is similar to human migration. Let’s have a look at the causes of these movements.
Feeding - This is the most basic need of migration for all the birds. Due to scarcity of food, birds travel to the places with the better food supplies. They need to feed their hatchlings and themselves to avoid malnutrition.
Family - The breeding conditions vary for different species of bird. Depending upon the suitable region, birds migrate and raise their offspring with adequate food sources, shelter and protected environment.
Climatic conditions - To survive, birds migrate from vicious cold Artics to warmer regions while to raise their young ones, they migrate from hottest tropical regions to northern cooler areas.
Predators - Generous food source in a habitat attracts large predators which might attack their nests. Hence, birds move to different regions to assure that their offspring reach maturity.
Disease - Bunch of birds in the same habitat might also cause diseases or increased parasites and to save themselves from malady, they fly away.
Do you think flying continuously for days or months, miles and miles is trouble-free?
There are large birds or animals seeking to catch the little birds crossing their path during the predictable season. The hunters lay the nets and food for the tired birds who are in search of a meal. The technologies created by man-kind like electric wires or poles, aeroplanes, towers etc, unintentionally, however might kill these birds amid their travel.
Although migration is a requirement, it is not an easy task to be completed without any struggle or loss. If you can, keep food and water for these cute little birds in your balcony without any harmful appliances nearby, and help them to complete their one more year with ease.
Which is your favourite bird? Share & Stay Tuned!