"Watch your thoughts, they become your words
Watch your words, they become your actions
Watch your actions, they become your habits
Watch your habits, they become your character
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny."
Lions have paws, bulls have horns, dogs have teeth, eagles have beaks. Their natural and only weapon to protect themselves from the outer world. While humankind invented an enormous variety of weapons, though, they have the most powerful one, “Words”.
Ever wondered how effective each word of your sentence is?
We can stop nuclear wars because we have Words that are quite enough for the whole world to slam down. Each word has various meanings, and the tone in which you speak decides the correct definition of your speech. Words are not as adequate as we want them to be. We might be saying something, but it depends on the listener, how they interpret it. Be extremely mindful about the choice of words you use.
Our words are like our neighbors, different in nature, but we have got to live with them and are surrounded by them. We must make the best use of the words.
Remember the ancient times, when a hot iron sword was used to seal a wound and stop it from bleeding to save the person. Similarly, to heal even the deepest wound, sweet comforting words often work like magic. Not only the letters are the same for ‘Sword’ and ‘Words’, but their uses and effectiveness are even too. Simple and smallest words can also give the deepest slash.
We do stick at times when the listener is unable to comprehend the point you are trying to explain. Instead of arguing, you can choose to stay calm and silent for a few minutes. That time you can utilize in mending your thoughts and come up with more effective, still pleasing, words to speak up about.
As it is said, ‘Time will heal the pain’, but I disagree with it. Time teaches us about how to live with the pain or how to reduce it, but can’t heal the scar. However, whether it is a bruise on the outer skin or any internal pain or sorrow, there is no such thing that can’t be soothed by sugary pleasant words. If you don’t find satisfying words, then better be silent rather than speaking the harsh words which destroy the
Thinking about the world and if we say that we want to make it a better world for the upcoming era/generation, the smallest and most powerful step is to be soft-spoken and utilize heart's whelming words.
Words are a powerful weapon; you can make a choice either to hurt or to please someone’s heart. I would suggest choosing the latter and cure the wounds, or better be silent and let the wounds heal themself despite deepening it more.
Your thoughts, suggestions, and words are very valuable, do share those with me here.
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